Tim Tyler wrote:
>>Only if your photos are so obscure and confusing that they need captions.
>>"Here's Johnny with the dog. Here is Johnny with the dog again. This one
>>is Johnny on his own. Here is the dog. Oh look, it is Johnny with the dog
>>again -- that's the dog on the left, in case it isn't clear. Just for a
>>change, this is Johnny wearing a hat. It is blue with a feather in it,
>>in case you couldn't tell from, oh I don't know, looking at the actual
> What have you got against captions?
> Giving photos captions is a *very* common practice.

Perhaps he has a search engine that can find blue hats in an image and 
recognize people?

Lasse Vågsæther Karlsen
PGP KeyID: 0x2A42A1C2

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