"David Schwartz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> "Tim Roberts" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
>> Part of their behavior really escape me.  The whole thing about
>> browser wars confuses me.  Web browsers represent a zero billion
>> dollar a year market.  Why would you risk anything to own it?
>     It really isn't that hard to understand that web-based
>     applications that 
> work in any browser on any OS threaten to make it irrelevent what OS
> you're running.

And it's even easier to understand that your statement is nonsense.

It doesn't matter which Linux distribution you pick, all use the Linux 
kernel. On all I can run OpenOffice, and get the same results. Yet people 
seem to prefer one distribution over one other.

> MS has a strong interest in making sure it's important
> to be running on one of their OSes.

Maybe *they* do have a point :-).

John                   Small Perl scripts: http://johnbokma.com/perl/
               Perl programmer available:     http://castleamber.com/
                                        I ploink googlegroups.com :-)

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