Iain King wrote:
> David Schwartz wrote:
>> Roedy Green wrote:
>>> The particular way MS threatened to put me out of business was by
>>> threatening to arm twist all wholesalers to refuse to sell MS
>>> product to me, which any retailer needed to survive in those days.
>>     Right, I get that. You owed your entire business to Microsoft.
>> Without their products, you would have had nothing, by your own
>> admission. The way you repay them is by trying to screw them --
>> attract people who come in only because you offer Windows and then
>> say "here's an OS that's better and cheaper".
> Oh right.  You're actually just a troll.  Oh well.
> *plonk*

    I see, he presents the strongest possible anti-Microsoft argument 
(including analogizing Microsoft to people who *KILL* people) and that's 
fine with you. I present the strongest possible pro-Microsoft argument, and 
I must be a troll. Right ... If you think I'm a troll, why don't you try 
googling for all my posts on USENET.



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