In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
BartlebyScrivener <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Yes, well, regardless of your beef with the person who complained about
>documentation, I respectfully submit that it is not so easy to help out
>with documentation. I'm a professional writer and author with a keen
>interest in open source, but the moment you look to contribute or try
>to help with the documentation you are asked to learn LaTex or DocBook,
>which, I'm sorry, I am not going to do.

This is not true.  You are welcome to submit plain text patches; reST
patches are even better.  There has been a lot of confusion on this point
in the past (to which I responded by submitting a bug report and getting
the docs about submitting patches changed).  Can you point out where
you're getting this impression from so we can make further improvements
to the process?  Or do I (and others) simply need to keep repeating this
point endlessly?
Aahz ([EMAIL PROTECTED])           <*>

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