Yves Glodt wrote:
> Hi,
> I need to write a heartbeat solution to monitor some external clients, 
> and what is different as in the examples that I have seen so far is that 
> I want my central server to poll the clients, and not the clients 
> "pinging" the central server.
> In detail I need a daemon on my central server which e.g. which in a 
> loop pings (not really ping but you know what I mean) each 20 seconds 
> one of the clients.
> The only thing the client has to do is to accept the connection. 
> (optionally sending back some bytes). If it refuses it is assumed to be 
> offline.
> My central server, and this is important, should have a short timeout. 
> If one client does not respond because it's offline, after max. 10 
> seconds the central server should continue with the next client.
> Which python functions would be the most convenient for this application?
> Best regards,
> Yves




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