Kent Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I did make some changes to CherryPy. I wouldn't mind sharing those
> changes back with the CherryPy community. But the product was the
> server itself, not the web site. As I understand the GPL the server
> software would be a "work based on the [GPL-licensed] Program" and
> thus subject to the GPL itself.

Yes, correct.
> I'm not sure what you mean by "simply developing content". I was
> developing a web application, not a web site serving static HTML.

Yes, that is content.

> The bulk of the development work was writing Python code that worked
> with CherryPy.

And also with the Python interpreter.  If the Python interpreter were
GPL'd, would that have been an issue?

> > Remember that the GPL only applies to the code of Karrigell
> > itself, not to stuff that you write using it.
> IANAL but that is not my understanding of the GPL. GPL version 2
> section 2.b) reads, "You must cause any work that you distribute or
> publish, that in whole or in part contains or is derived from the
> Program or any part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to
> all third parties under the terms of this License." My server would
> certainly be a work that in part contains Karrigell.

Your web app and html files would IMO be considered a separate work,
like C programs that you compile with GCC.  If they don't contain actual
Karrigell code and they're not derived from Karrigell code, then I'd
think 2.b) doesn't apply.  The test I'd use is, imagine you don't have
the Karrigell distro and you only have a printout of the documentation.
Can you write your app from just the docs?  IANAL, etc., and to be
safe, you could simply ask the Karrigell author.

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