I've just been tasked with porting our desktop embedded Python support 
onto our existing CE offering. I've managed to compile the Python 
sources and have produced an armdbg420\python23.lib file.

When I come to link to the Python library though from our one of our 
DLLs, I am getting the following unresolved externals:

embedded.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
"__declspec(dllimport) int __cdecl WinCE_fclose(void *)"
(__imp_?WinCE_fclose@@[EMAIL PROTECTED]) referenced in function "unsigned long
__cdecl PythonThread(void *)" (?PythonThread@@[EMAIL PROTECTED])

embedded.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __imp_LoadLibraryU
referenced in function "unsigned long __cdecl PythonThread(void *)"
(?PythonThread@@[EMAIL PROTECTED])

embedded.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
"__declspec(dllimport) void * __cdecl WinCE_fopen(char const *,char const
*)" (__imp_?WinCE_fopen@@[EMAIL PROTECTED]) referenced in function "void * 
OpenScriptFile(unsigned short *)" (?OpenScriptFile@@[EMAIL PROTECTED])


python23.lib does have entries for WinCE_fopen (part of 
wince-compatibility.c) when looking at the lib file using dumpbin (all 
are undecorated). Have I missed some vital step in producing it?

Just to clarify my environment, I am producing a PocketPC 2003 
application that embeds Python, scripts are launched within our 
application with script output displayed in our own output window. We 
also provide our own Python extension library. All works on ok on the 
desktop version.

Any help would gratefully appreciated. Thanks.



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