Fuzzyman wrote:
> Oops... my misreading, sorry.
> The reason that, in Python, short ints have the same identity is not
> fickle - it's just True. Python creates a new reference (pointer) to
> the same object.
> You're saying you want one comparison operator that for :
>>... many other statements here ...
> gives the result :
>>a    xx b    # False
>>a[0] xx b[0] # True
> What you're saying is that you don't consider a and b equal when they
> are container objects of the same type, with the same contents. That's
> very counter intuitive.
As also the fact, that when
a = [1,2.0,3L]
b = [1.0,2,3 ]
a==b # gives True
even if the objects in the lists are actually different,
or when the objects being members of the list redefine __eq__ so, that 
no matter how different they are, the lists always compare True.

> All the best,
> Fuzzyman
> http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/index.shtml

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