JW schreef:
> On Wed, 18 Jan 2006 00:33:06 -0800, Tim N. van der Leeuw wrote:
>> What I especially dislike about the new website are the flashy pictures
>> on the front-page with no content and no purpose -- purely boasting but
>> nothing to back up your claims.
>> (I wouldn't mind some sleek pictures there if they weren't desperatly
>> trying to advertise success-stories but instead would link to real
>> content!)
> Tim the Taller (I presume he's taller; he's Dutch) and the other critics
> fail to realize is that no one reads "content".
> I'm assured that in print ads the only "content" anyone reads is in
> picture captions, and you damn well better make sure your message is
> conveyed there. Any other "content" only wastes space. I see no reason to
> think that a web page should be designed using any other assumption.

I don't agree. I read websites in search for information (content), not 
to find advertisements. If a site I want to visit looks too much like an 
advertisement, I handle it the same as I handle any other advertisement: 
throw it away.

I agree that the information shouldn't be presented in an overly dense 
way, but it should be there prominently and easily accessible. The site 
should invite users to read the content, the contrary of many corporate 
websites that seem to try to hide it, almost like the fineprint on a 

If I have been able to see further, it was only because I stood
on the shoulders of giants.  -- Isaac Newton

Roel Schroeven

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