On 1/26/06, Terry Hancock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, 26 Jan 2006 01:12:10 -0600
> Runsun Pan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Error) in python. I'd love to see if I can use han char
> > for all those keywords like import, but it doesn't work.
> Yeah, I'm pretty sure we're talking about the future here.

How do you like this (see below) as a python program ?
 :) :)

#---------------------------------------------- han python
輸入 操作系統
顯示 操作系統.path.realpath( 操作系統.目前目錄 )
a 等於 3 加 15
顯示 a

對於 i 在 (範圍(5)): 顯示 '(%s)'%(i 加 4)
#---------------------------------------------- end

The following file does work:

##########################   test_hanzi.py  BEGIN

    '顯示'    : 'print',
    '輸入'    : 'import',
    '加'      : '+',
    '在'      : 'in',
    '等於'    : '=',
    '目前目錄': 'curdir',
    '操作系統': 'os',
    '對於'    : 'for',
    '範圍'    : 'range',

file = 'c:/t/test_hanzi_script.py'

def convert(raw, charmap=charmap):
    for k,v in charmap.items():
        raw = raw.replace( k,v)
    return raw

def exehan(raw):
    doc = convert(raw)
    print '-'*20,'\n','Converted doc:'
    print doc
    print '-'*20
    open(file, 'w').write( doc )
    s = os.popen('python '+ file, 'r').read()
    print 'Output of the raw:\n'
    print s
    return s


輸入 操作系統
顯示 操作系統.path.realpath( 操作系統.目前目錄 )
a 等於 3 加 15
顯示 a

對於 i 在 (範圍(5)): 顯示 '(%s)'%(i 加 4)


##########################   test_hanzi.py END

Certainly, this kind of approach is not very practical.

Runsun Pan, PhD
Nat'l Center for Macromolecular Imaging

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