Carl Johan Rehn wrote:
> What is the difference between CPython, Python for .NET, and IronPython?
> For example, if I'm running IronPython, can I access modules such as Numeric
> and numarray?
> As I understand it, interoperability with C# and .NET works in both
> directions with IronPython, but CPython modules cannot be imported, or? 
> With Python for .NET I can import the .NET Framework and continue using
> CPython modules, or?
> What is the roadmap for IronPython, will it be possible to import CPython
> modules in the near future?
> One last question, is IronPython cross-platform. That is, can I use
> IronPython with Mono?
> Carl
I have asked similar 'question' some weeks ago in the German Python 
It seems, that that Pythonistas have generally not much interest in 
IronPython waiting for at least release 2.0 of it which is _perhaps_ 
expected to support Mono.
It seems, that usage of IronPython is currently limited to Windows 
platform, but I was not able to attract any expert on it to give a clear 
answer to that.
My own short test has shown, that compiled DLLs (extension modules) 
don't work in IronPython and the created .exe-s of simple Python scripts 
fail to run.
Curious to hear if there will be any expert response to your posting 
here (except replies from people like me, who have no idea about the 
subject themselves).


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