> I'm happy to spread the word about showmedo.com, an excellent
> collection of python programming videos.
>>From the website
> http://showmedo.com/videoListPage?listKey=TheBigPythonList:

The server response under:


500 Internal error
Server got itself in trouble
Powered by Cherrypy 2.1.0

If there is not enough trouble around to suffer from, why not get itself 
in trouble? ;-)

As the computer becomes more and more human like, even able to get 
itself in trouble, the fact that it has the courage to admit the true 
reason for the trouble emerges it as a stupid machine.


By the way: it was _me_ who caused the server to be in trouble feeding 
it with a bad URL instead of the right one:


Sometimes it is good, that there is no human on the other end of the 
line knowing about all this dirty words which can be thrown back as 
excuse for own malfunction ...


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