Brian Elmegaard wrote:
> "Matt Hammond" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>y_max = max([e.x for e in y])
> Would there be a way to refer back to the e with maximum x, or how
> could I find other attributes of it?

In that case a common idiom is to "decorate"

decorated = [(obj.x, obj) for obj in objects]
max_decorated = max(decorated)
max_obj = max_decorated[-1]

Or to run through it "old style"

max_obj = objects[0]
for obj in objects:
     if obj.x > max_obj.x:
         max_obj = obj

Readbility is about the same I think. Testing should tell you which is 
faster in your case.


hilsen/regards Max M, Denmark
IT's Mad Science

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