John Salerno wrote:

> Anyway, any suggestions are appreciated!

What've you got for hobbies? As my first Python
based project I wrote something that put up a GUI
and allowed me to add and delete records in a file
so that I could catalogue my model railway collection.

Now I could have used a dB package (overkill) or a
spreadsheet (if all you have is a hammer, every
problem looks like a nail) or something that
someone else had written (mostly MS Windows based)
but part of the point was to practise programming
in Python. (On top of which, if I do it this way,
the thing's much more portable across the OS's that
I use.)

At the point that my enthusiasm returns I'm going
to be coding up a simulation of a gravity shunting
yard using PyGame (based on something I saw at
the Dutch National Railway Museum) and then further
extend that to a more generic shunting simulator.
(Should keep me happy whilst I build the basics
of the track plan on the model railway boards...)


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