John Salerno wrote:
> There is an article on's OnLamp site called "The World's 
> Most Maintainable Programming Language" 
> (
> It's not about a specific language, but about the qualities that would 
> make up the title language (learnability, consistency, simplicity, 
> power, enforcing good programming practices). I thought this might be of 
> interest to some of you, and I thought I'd point out the two places 
> where Python was mentioned:

It's interesting to see a slightly different take on type checking..

"In the real world it is an error to put five pounds of potatoes in a
ten pound sack"

"The same might be true of computer games, where a type checker so
careful that it might refuse to allow an operation where a 180-pound
character can carry 10,000 gold pieces might actually remove the aspect
of fun from the game."

Isn't this data validation and if it is, should the compiler be checking

Tim Parkin


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