Clodoaldo Pinto wrote:
> I'm starting a programming tutorial for absolute beginners using Python
> and I would like your opinions.

Very nicely laid out.  Overall, a really nice presentation.  2 minor

1) in the section on the interactive interpreter you have the sentence:
"In Linux open a shell and type python (must be lower case)".  It
would be nice if the word 'python' were in a different font, or perhaps

in quotes, or something.  You're targetting the "absolute beginner", so
you should assume the reader is not familiar with the CLI.

2) In the section on installing, you begin with:
"Python is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming
language.".  The complete novice sees those words and expects
them to be explained, but there is no definition given.  I would
recommend simplifying that sentence, or explaining the terms.


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