On Sun, 09 Apr 2006 08:52:18 -0700, Carl Banks wrote: > it's more important > to respect community standards than to stick to some silly preference > you have.
What happens when the community standard is a silly preference? I object to the suggestion that "community standards" (that is, a standard not even designed by a committee, merely evolved by a mob) is necessarily worthy of respect. As it turns out, regarding this particular "silly preference" (community or private), I always remember that communication is the purpose of email (and, believe it or not, Usenet), and the use of tabs in some buggy news readers can cause the failure of communication. Hence I use spaces when posting code. The rest of the time, particularly in my private coding, my preference (whatever it is) is no more or less irrational than the other preference. -- Steven. -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list