Peter wrote:

> This post seeks advice on whether python would be appropriate for a task,
> or whether you can suggest another approach.
> The project is to transcribe historical records such as schools
> admissions, ship passenger lists, birth/death/marriages, etc for genealogy
> studies. What we need is a simple software tool that will give the user a
> form set out like the page being transcribed, do some simple validation
> and put the
> data in a file (can be fixed field length plain text).  Data files from
> volunteers will be compiled into a master database.
> This software tool needs to work on a variety of different computers;
> Win95, Win98, WinXP, Mac, Linux.
> So, would python be a good choice for this, and how should I go about it?
> I'm not a programmer and have only done a few little python scripts that
> run from the command line.

Make it a webapp. That will guarantee to make it runnable on the list of
OSses you gave. Use Django/TurboGears/ZOPE for the application itself-
whichever suits you best.


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