> I borrowed Learning Python 2nd edtion from a library once and it felt
> condensed with information and I didn't think I could start with it
> "yet" as I want a book made for a beginner programmer and I don't think
> Learning Python 2nd edtion is made for my audience.
> I want something that explains programming fundamentals and explains it
> in general while also showing the reason in practise and from reading
> some free PDF's of "Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer
> Science" I think it fit the bill perfectly, I would have it already but
> i'm only 15 and my dad is a bit weary of using his credit card online
> :-).

Well, I *would* say that Learning Python does assume a little knowledge 
of programming in general, so in your case it might not be a good start. 
On the same note, neither is Beginning Python.

If your problem is limited access to books, you might want to try this 
site: http://www.ibiblio.org/obp/thinkCSpy/index.htm

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