Raffael Cavallaro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]'espam-s'il-vous-plait-mac.com> writes:

> This is purely a matter of programming style. For explorative
> programming it is easier to start with dynamic typing and add static
> guarantees later rather than having to make decisions about
> representation and have stubs for everything right from the start.

I think you are confusing static typing with having to write types
everywhere.  With type inference, you only have to write a minimum of
type information (such as datatype declarations), so you can easily do
explorative progrmming in such languages -- I don't see any advantage
of dynamic typing in this respect.

> The
> lisp programming style is arguably all about using heterogenous lists
> and forward references in the repl for everything until you know what
> it is that you are doing, then choosing a more appropriate
> representation and filling in forward references once the program
> gels. Having to choose representation right from the start and needing
> working versions (even if only stubs) of *every* function you call may
> ensure type correctness, but many programmers find that it also
> ensures that you never find the right program to code in the first
> place.

If you don't have definitions (stubs or complete) of the functions you
use in your code, you can only run it up to the point where you call
an undefined function.  So you can't really do much exploration until
you have some definitions.

I expect a lot of the exploration you do with incomplete programs
amount to the feedback you get from type inference.

> This is because you don't have the freedom to explore possible
> solutions without having to break your concentration to satisfy the
> nagging of a static type checker.

I tend to disagree.  I have programmed a great deal in Lisp, Scheme,
Prolog (all dynamically typed) and SML and Haskell (both statically
typed).  And I don't find that I need more stubs etc. in the latter.
In fact, I do a lot of explorative programming when writing programs
in ML and Haskell.  And I find type inference very helpful in this, as
it guides the direction of the exploration, so it is more like a
safari with a local guide than a blindfolded walk in the jungle.


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