George Neuner <gneuner2/> writes:

> On 19 Jun 2006 10:19:05 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Torben Ægidius
> Mogensen) wrote:

> >I expect a lot of the exploration you do with incomplete programs
> >amount to the feedback you get from type inference.
> The ability to write functions and test them immediately without
> writing a lot of supporting code is _far_ more useful to me than type
> inference.  

I can't see what this has to do with static/dynamic typing.  You can
test individula functions in isolation is statically typed languages
> I'm not going to weigh in on the static v dynamic argument ... I think
> both approaches have their place.  I am, however, going to ask what
> information you think type inference can provide that substitutes for
> algorithm or data structure exploration.

None.  But it can provide a framework for both and catch some types of
mistakes early.


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