Oliver Bandel wrote:
> こんいちわ Xah-Lee san ;-)

Uhm, I'd guess that Xah is Chinese. Be careful
with such things in real life; Koreans might
beat you up for this. Stay alive!

> Xah Lee wrote:
>> Languages with Full Unicode Support
>> As far as i know, Java and JavaScript are languages with full, complete
>> unicode support. That is, they allow names to be defined using unicode.
> Can you explain what you mena with the names here?
>> (the JavaScript engine used by FireFox support this)
>> As far as i know, here's few other lang's status:
>> C → No.
> Well, is this (only) a language issue?
> On Plan-9 all things seem to be UTF-8 based,
> and when you use C for programming, I would think
> that C can handle this also.
> But I only have read some papers about Plan-9 and did not developed on 
> it....
> Only a try to have a different view on it.
> If someone knows more, please let us know :)
> Ciao,
>    Oliver

Lisp kann nicht kratzen, denn Lisp ist fluessig

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