Michael wrote:
> > >     def set_name():
> > >         name = raw_input("Enter your name! > ")
> > >         cexe greet()
> > >
> > >     def greet():
> > >         print "hello", name
> > >
> > >     cexe set_name()
> > >     print "We don't reach here"
> > >     ----------
> > >
> > > This would execute, ask for the user's name, say hello to them and then
> > > exit - not reaching the final print "We don't reach here" statement.
> >
> > Only if you were to replace the whole stack.  If you only replace or
> > reuse the top frame, I would think greet would exit and execution would
> > resume right after the point from which set_name was called.  Or am I
> > misunderstanding what you want?
> I think you are.

I'm sorry; I didn't notice the use of cexe also on the call to
set_name.  So now it makes sense.

Carl Banks


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