Gregory Piñero wrote:
> I was just idley curious on what it would take to make a web plug-in
> for Pygame.  I'm picturing it working the way my browser currently
> shows flash games.  Is such an idea even possible?  Has anyone
> attempted this?

I doubt you can get PyGame to work this way - at least, not without
some significant hacking around in the source - since PyGame relies on
the underlying SDL library, and from my experience with it, I can't see
it playing well with a browser whatsoever. I think SDL would have to
acquire a new backend to translate input to the plugin into their event
structure, and would require some way of creating an appropriate video
mode that can draw to a browser's window, etc. Java applets and Flash
are built for this purpose whereas PyGame is built on a technology that
was designed for programs that have their own window and tend to
capture all the OS's input.

Ben Sizer


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