
Uninstall support is hard, you would turn distutils ( into a
package management system, but wait...!  there are already package
managers that do exactly that (rpm, deb, Windows Installer).

If no distro installer package is available for your Python module --
build it yourself and when done share with others, you are probably
already using a lot of stuff created by others, so if you see something
missing, add it, and give back to the community.

Or you could just use the package folder locally in your project to
begin with and never bother with a system-wide install. In general, for
a 'clean' system try not to use multiple installers or incompatible
package managers to put stuff in your system directories -- it will
create a mess over time.

I use Ubuntu, and so far I was able to find all the Python modules I
need as an installable .deb file, that is why I suggested Linux.
Actually as far as I am  concerned, having all your modules, IDEs, and
libraries available in a nicely organized repository, available at the
touch of an 'agt-get'  command is a pretty good reason to switch.

Nick V.

> >> As a rule, if you use a Linux distribution, you should just install
>     >> the package and then remove the package using the package manager.
>     Grant> That's fine except a lot of python packages aren't available in
>     Grant> any of the various Linux distro package formats.
> And one or two people don't use Linux yet.
> Uninstall support would be a good idea...
> Skip


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