
I am currently working on an alternative for the gnome-volume-manager 
for multiseat systems based on HAL and DBus. Whenever the signal 
'DeviceAdded' is received I would like to start a GUI-Interface where 
the user can choose from different options. But now I am wondering how I 
should start this interface since this GUI must be started by a console 
daemon. What is the most common way to do that?

Usually, I start a PyQt application that way:

app = QApplication(sys.argv)
ui = Dialog()

If I start it that way, I am not quite sure whether this will work since 
I have got two main loops then (the one of console daemon [implemented 
by using gobject.MainLoop().run()] and the Qt one). Moreover, once the 
Qt application is started, it should run independently of the console 

Unfortunately, I can't think of any possibility to achieve this aim. Do 
you have any suggestions?

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