On 2017-01-12 10:10, Dominik George wrote:
> Hi,
> obviously, you raised the severity of the bug mentioned below to serious 
> without providing any justification.

You won't stop this transition. The earlier we get mysql-5.6 removed
from stretch the better s.t. we can test upgrade paths to stretch w/o
mysql available.

> I am still waiting for…
> …some official decision that this huge change will be made during the freeze 
> without a transition,
> …the MySQL/MariaDB maintainers to fix their packages.

A quick search revealed at least this post to d-d-a from Sep 04, two
months before the first freeze phase:


> Concerning the latter, both upstream mariadb and the maintainers here claim 
> that mariadb is a drop-in replacement for mysql, but it turns out it isn't as 
> they decided to change the default behaviour in a very incompatible way.
> The maintainers do not appear to be able to advise others on the unadvertised 
> breakage they created by crippling the UNIX socket in mariadb by default.
> Right now, dropping MySQL support everywhere seems to be the only viable 
> solution.

The mysql->mariadb switch comes with the unfortunate cost of excluding a
few packages from stretch that require oracle's mysql.

> Do we need the tech-ctte to get this settled?

Good luck overriding the security team.


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