On Sun, Oct 30, 2016 at 11:27 AM, Yury Selivanov <yseliva...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Oct 30, 2016, at 1:58 PM, Guido van Rossum <gu...@python.org> wrote:
>> Regarding the documentation, I doubt we can get it in shape just by
>> filing issues. We should really just have a tutorial written by
>> someone with a good understanding of asyncio and writing skills.
> Yeah, I agree.  I don’t want to promise anything, but this is something I 
> wanted to do for a long time now.  If no one tackles this in the next couple 
> of months, I’ll try to start the process myself.
>> I wonder how enlightening the chapter by A. Jesse Jiryu Davis here
>> really is for beginners?
>> http://aosabook.org/en/500L/a-web-crawler-with-asyncio-coroutines.html
>> (my name is on it because I wrote the original code -- Jesse wrote all
>> the text and rewrote the code several times over :-).
> I think it’s an excellent piece, but maybe it’s a tad more detailed than what 
> we need for asyncio docs.  IMO the opening page of asyncio docs should cover 
> the following:
> 1. Why asyncio - one paragraph.
> 2. What is event loop - one p.
> 3. What is a coroutine - one p.
> 4. asyncio essentials: get_event_loop, run_until_complete, close, 
> create_task, gather, open_connection, start_server.

IMO this focuses on the loop too much. We should explain more on how
to use coroutines.

> 5. Advanced topics: should I pass event loop explicitly? etc
> Speaking about APIs and passing working with the loop. One thing that people 
> find attractive in curio is that it doesn’t really focus on the loop.  You 
> start your initial coroutine with the loop (called “kernel” in curio) and 
> that’s it.

Isn't the equivalent in asyncio just as easy? Start your initial
coroutine with asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete() and
that's it.

How does curio open a connection? How does it start serving? Asyncio
requires the loop for those. Is the loop implicit in curio?

> What if we could do the following:
> 1. Provide an “asyncio.run(coro)” function to run your "main()” coroutine 
> program and take care of everything loop-related for you.

So that's just asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(coro)? I
worry that the shortness of the call will make people call this from
inside coroutines or callbacks.

> “asyncio.run” should create the loop, run the coroutine, cleanup asynchronous 
> generators and unfinished tasks, close the loop etc.

I'd be less opposed if it was called asyncio.main(). That makes it
clear that you run this one, inside your own main.

> 2. There are some APIs that can’t be called without a loop: run_in_executor, 
> sockets ops etc.  What if we add “asyncio.run_in_background” coroutine that 
> would get the event loop and call run_in_executor on it?

Well in theory you could add asyncio.foo() calls for every loop
method. I'm not sure I'm excited about that. Nor about using different

> 3. In 3.7 we can add a Socket-like object with asynchronous “recv”, “send”, 
> etc coroutines.  Turns out people want this, as it’s more convenient to use 
> than loop.sock_sendall.  Using streams is of course better, but sometimes you 
> want to quickly make your existing program async without a full rewrite.

I'd question *why* people want sockets. Perhaps it's really just a
wrapper around a StreamReader/Writer pair? Can a curio socket wrap a
subprocess? A pipe? A tty device?

> Guido, what do you think?

I think it'll blow over. I certainly think for 3.6 we should not
change any APIs but focus on making the docs much stronger.

But I'm also trying to extract myself from asyncio development; I'm
more focused on mypy ATM (if you hadn't noticed :-).

--Guido van Rossum (python.org/~guido)

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