On 02/08/2010 15:44, Nicholas Tollervey wrote:
Hmmm... I like the app-engine idea since it is v.simple and plain ol' Python 
(rather than a complex project like Pinax that requires Django-fu to 

GitHub / BitBucket is a great idea too.

Seriously, all we need to start with right now is:

1) A shared Google Calendar that is readable by *everyone* and writable by PUG 
organisers (that identify themselves here on this mailing list)
2) A Twitter list of Python-UK people
3) A web-page with both these embedded on them.

This sounds great.

I *would* volunteer to create these right now but I'm up to my eyes in code and 
it's my wedding anniversary today so this evening is out. Also, perhaps we 
could decide on the date of an IRC meeting / open up the doodle so people on 
this list can say when they're available..? Coordination and community 
collaboration is the way to go before actually doing anything (IMHO) ;-)

Some kind of organisation - like deciding who will maintain the calendar and twitter lists.

To be honest a Pinax site seems like overkill, but if people with spare energy are *volunteering* to do the work then that is great.



On 2 Aug 2010, at 15:27, Zeth wrote:

On 2 August 2010 15:23, Reza Lotun<rlo...@gmail.com>  wrote:
This sounds like a great idea. A suggestion though - since we're all
Python hackers, why not create a hosted website on AppEngine?
We have already started a pinax based site for it. We have hosting.
python-uk mailing list
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