Yet another +1 (yes it's a good topic).

I'm interested in the Django test runner (we use nose, so interested to
compare the two).

Also, your experiences with Selenium as we are only just getting started
here.  Particularly interested in:
- web driver / RC: I've hacked together something that tries to use
WebDriver locally, but falls back to an RC grid. It's not pretty. Best
practices appreciated
- performing tests on UI elements that are dynamically generated: finding by
id is a pain for the element called ext-gen-689


Aaron Watkins

On 13 Oct 2011, at 22:50, Tom Viner <> wrote:

Definitely interested in this. We're expanding the testing we do at U-Dox
and adding something like Selenium to the arsenal would be a major win.

I went to a BrightonPy talk by Jim Purbrick last year and was impressed by
the comprehensive setup he had. In particular, as I recall, he had Selenium
running in a virtual machine linux desktop so it could chug through his
tests without disturbing his coding on the real desktop. (slide 11 has some selenium, but
you'll need the video to explain his vm setup, worth watching)

And to be honest, that's sum total of my knowledge on these matters! Hence I
really appreciate you taking the time and effort, happy to
provide compensation in terms of the beverage of your preference Harry (this
beer sponsored by python anywhere ... DOT COM :-D )


On 13 October 2011 18:11, Harry Percival <> wrote:

> Hey Andy, Bruce,
> Wow, charging for it, hadn't even thought of that!  No, I think I'd be very
> happy to do it for free...  Maybe when I get a bit more bored of it all I'll
> demand some compensation ;-)
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