Yep those two and Marc-Andre Lemburg who has done a lot for PyConUK
over the years, are there any other UK/nearby candidates? I for one
want to use my vote to balance the board geographically (i.e. a board
compromised of not just US West Coast people, as beautiful as they all

On 2 May 2015 at 10:33, Nicholas H.Tollervey <> wrote:
> Hey there!
> In case you hadn't noticed, the upcoming PSF board election has both
> Carrie Anne Philbin and Naomi Ceder (both UK based Pythonistas who put a
> lot of work into our community) as candidates.
> Yay and best of luck to both Carrie Anne and Naomi.
> If you have PSF voting rights, please remember to vote (I've just
> submitted mine - no prizes for guessing who I voted for)..!
> :-)
> All the best,
> Nicholas.
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