In fact you do not need to be a PSF member to stand as a candidate for its 

To attain voting status in the PSF you foo need to do a little more than just 
sign up (which masks you a non-voting member). Support a working group, for 

As it happens the PSF has just cancelled the current board election with 23 
candidates for 11 places due to a minor procedural irregularity, so there may 
be time to nominate someone else. Or there may not. We are still waiting for 
the practical outcome.


On May 4, 2015, at 1:22 PM, Zeth <> wrote:

> On 4 May 2015 at 13:02, Andy Robinson <> wrote:
>> BTW I was once asked to be on the PSF board, when it was first set up,
>> and turned it down.... So if you are
>> really keen to have an extra nomination I wouldn't mind, but I am not
>> going to press for it either.
> Someone will have to help me here with details, but a quick reply
> before I forget and this thread disappears into gmail. It used to be
> that you needed to be a nominated and voted in to be a member of the
> PSF, but I think they have changed/are changing it to a system where
> you just sign up on a web form to become a member of the PSF. Once as
> a member you can run for the board of the PSF when they next open
> nominations, which I guess is early 2016 or something.
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