If it is any help Vista Print do 3 sizes of posters:

     286 x 439 mm

(286 x 439 mm)

Post messages at the till and in other small spaces.

Qty     Price
1       £3.99£1.99
2       £5.99£2.99
3       £7.99£3.99

More pricing and quantities <http://www.vistaprint.co.uk/product-presentation-info.aspx?productPresentationId=821>


     426 x 601 mm

(42.6 x 60.1 cm)

Attract customers walking past right to your window.

Qty     Price
1       £9.99£4.99
2       £18.99£9.49
3       £27.99£13.99

More pricing and quantities <http://www.vistaprint.co.uk/product-presentation-info.aspx?productPresentationId=1238>


     601 x 847 mm

(60.1 x 84.7 cm)

Make a statement in a larger space, like a lobby or cafeteria.

Qty     Price
1       £15.99£7.99
2       £30.99£15.49
3       £45.99£22.99

More pricing and quantities <http://www.vistaprint.co.uk/product-presentation-info.aspx?productPresentationId=1242>

Of course none of them are exactly 1000x1000 mm (1 m²) but that is what Sellotape is for...


On 06/06/2015 15:18, Naomi Ceder wrote:
On 6 June 2015 at 12:39, Tom Wright <t...@tatw.name <mailto:t...@tatw.name>> wrote:

    Where are you getting your posters printed:

    On 6 Jun 2015 12:36, "Tom Wright" <t...@tatw.name
    <mailto:t...@tatw.name>> wrote:

        Hmmm... that means you can buy a television for the price of
        three posters....

Of course the nature of the poster and it's production is up to the presenter - we only set the size limit. I've seen successful posters for PyCon US that cost over $100 to print, but I've also seen equally successful posters that were put together out of several B&W printed sheets and cost nothing more than toner and a few sheets of A4 printer paper.

If anyone has experience and suggestions for UK poster printing options, I'd be happy to add those to the poster session page.


Naomi Ceder

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