On 6 June 2015 at 12:36, Tom Wright <t...@tatw.name> wrote:
> Hmmm... that means you can buy a television for the price of three
> posters....

When I used to do these in academia, I used an A4 printer and blue
tacked them together, used highlighters and crayons to add colour. The
poster is just the conversation opener really, the interactions with
the presenters is the interesting bit.

> On 6 Jun 2015 11:12, "Nicholas H.Tollervey" <nt...@ntoll.org> wrote:
>> This is going to be a wonderful thing. I've always enjoyed the poster
>> sessions at PyCon (US/NorthAmerica) and EuroPython. Glad to see it make
>> an appearance at PyCon UK. Many thanks to Naomi for making this happen.
>> Get submitting! :-)
>> N.
>> On 06/06/15 11:01, Naomi Ceder wrote:
>> > And now for something completely different - the PyCon UK Poster
>> > Session!
>> >
>> > We are pleased to announce the very first PyCon UK poster session.
>> > Poster sessions, which are popular at scientific and academic
>> > conferences, give the presenter a chance to stand in front of a one
>> > meter square "poster" illustrating their topic, and interact with
>> > attendees as they pass by - answering questions, trading ideas, etc. in
>> > a much more "up close and personal" setting.
>> >
>> > Poster sessions are a good way for people to get started presenting at a
>> > conference, since one is only talking to a few people at a time. They
>> > are also a good venue for niche projects that might not get on a talk
>> > program, or for testing the waters with very new ideas.
>> >
>> > This year PyCon UK will be holding its first poster session, accepting
>> > up to 20 posters. For more information, and to find out how to submit a
>> > poster, please visit our poster session page
>> > at http://www.pyconuk.org/posters/ or contact Naomi Ceder
>> > at naomi.ce...@gmail.com <mailto:naomi.ce...@gmail.com>
>> >
>> > (And please feel free to forward, repost, tweet, blog, or otherwise
>> > share the word!)
>> >
>> > --
>> > Naomi Ceder
>> > https://plus.google.com/u/0/111396744045017339164/about
>> >
>> >
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>> > python-uk mailing list
>> > python-uk@python.org
>> > https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-uk
>> >
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>> python-uk mailing list
>> python-uk@python.org
>> https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-uk
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