Hi Nicholas,

I'd be happy to help and can easily make it there for four (could even come
earlier if you want help with setup, etc). As Cory says, yay flexible
working hours.


On 3 December 2015 at 09:17, Nicholas H.Tollervey <nt...@ntoll.org> wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> tl;dr - This is important. Help teachers. Get a micro:bit. 4pm-ish
> Wednesday 9th December at the BCS in London.
> This is an opportunity for you to positively affect and contribute to
> how Python is taught in London's schools. Where London leads the rest of
> the UK often follows (in terms of teaching).
> Computing at School (CAS) are to IT teachers as the PSF are to
> Pythonistas. I've been working with them as part of the micro:bit
> project in order to get teachers up to speed with MicroPython etc.
> Next Wednesday (9th December) about half a dozen of London's CAS master
> teachers (basically, the most experienced teachers, leaders, movers and
> shakers) will be at the BCS off the Strand (from 4pm onwards) with a
> view to exploring and creating resources for MicroPython on the
> micro:bit. We need an equivalent number of Python developers to attend
> to partner up, help out, answer questions and have fun with micro:bits.
> We want the outcome to be lesson plans, code and a positive vibe.
> I realise people may only be able to get post-work (5pm). I can hold the
> fort from 4pm giving a quick run-down of MicroPython.
> I think I should be able to wangle it so that those developers who
> attend will be able to get their hands on (and keep for an extended
> period of time) a micro:bit for testing / development purposes. So, if
> you'd like to play with a micro:bit, this is how you get one. They're
> very cool and people have lots of fun with them:
> https://github.com/bbcmicrobit/micropython/tree/neopixel
> Of course, this is an important collaboration. If there was ever a time
> to "be arsed" about something - this is it in terms of the amount of
> potential change and positive impact for Python vs. actual effort you
> have to put in.
> I'm always happy to answer questions, hear constructive critique and
> have ideas suggested.
> Best wishes,
> Nicholas.
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