Invites sent to those listed below. If you're on the list and don't get
the invite please do let me know.

All the details about location and timing are in the invite.

Happy to answer questions..!


On 03/12/15 10:52, Nicholas H.Tollervey wrote:
> Folks,
> You're all awesome. Thanks for volunteering. On the "list" I have:
> Cory Benfield
> Andrea Grandi (late)
> Nathan Jeffrey
> Steve Holden
> David MacIver
> Gautier Hayoun
> Alex ???
> Harry Percival
> I think we have a full house!
> I'll ping you guys an invite with all the details later today.
> Best wishes and many thanks once again!
> N.
> On 03/12/15 09:17, Nicholas H.Tollervey wrote:
>> Hi Folks,
>> tl;dr - This is important. Help teachers. Get a micro:bit. 4pm-ish
>> Wednesday 9th December at the BCS in London.
>> This is an opportunity for you to positively affect and contribute to
>> how Python is taught in London's schools. Where London leads the rest of
>> the UK often follows (in terms of teaching).
>> Computing at School (CAS) are to IT teachers as the PSF are to
>> Pythonistas. I've been working with them as part of the micro:bit
>> project in order to get teachers up to speed with MicroPython etc.
>> Next Wednesday (9th December) about half a dozen of London's CAS master
>> teachers (basically, the most experienced teachers, leaders, movers and
>> shakers) will be at the BCS off the Strand (from 4pm onwards) with a
>> view to exploring and creating resources for MicroPython on the
>> micro:bit. We need an equivalent number of Python developers to attend
>> to partner up, help out, answer questions and have fun with micro:bits.
>> We want the outcome to be lesson plans, code and a positive vibe.
>> I realise people may only be able to get post-work (5pm). I can hold the
>> fort from 4pm giving a quick run-down of MicroPython.
>> I think I should be able to wangle it so that those developers who
>> attend will be able to get their hands on (and keep for an extended
>> period of time) a micro:bit for testing / development purposes. So, if
>> you'd like to play with a micro:bit, this is how you get one. They're
>> very cool and people have lots of fun with them:
>> Of course, this is an important collaboration. If there was ever a time
>> to "be arsed" about something - this is it in terms of the amount of
>> potential change and positive impact for Python vs. actual effort you
>> have to put in.
>> I'm always happy to answer questions, hear constructive critique and
>> have ideas suggested.
>> Best wishes,
>> Nicholas.
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