On Wed, Dec 07, 2016 at 10:31:56AM +0000, Richard Smith wrote:

> Ok, lets take the position it wasn't spam. If you received the OPs
> email, directly, would you require a little more information in the
> post other than a technology stack and a carrot on a stick?

The way this generally works is to forward a generic CV, wait an hour,
receive a phone call, then ask every question on your mind. As for why
it works that way, well, at least recruiters generally have much more to
lose by sharing their client's name than you do a generic CV.

It sucks but it's the way it is, and anyway it's not that much of a
hurdle to cross, not least since often things will be shared by
telephone that nobody in their right mind would commit to page.

The only recruiters who don't follow this pattern are generally those
working directly for a company, or perhaps less commonly, those with an
exclusive agreement or structure to provide services to their client,
and if you only accept solicitation from those then you'd be ignoring
90% of the work out there.

(I hate to find myself defending that industry, but in this case it
seems fair)

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