On Wed, 7 Dec 2016, Daniele Procida wrote:

On Wed, Dec 7, 2016, Kaitlyn Tierney <kaitlyn.me...@gmail.com> wrote:

I think this is exchange is clear proof that the list requires a Code of
Conduct. Does the list-owner agree, and if so, can we discuss a process
for enacting one to move this conversation in a more productive direction?

Unfortunately I think we need a code of conduct too.

As Steve Holden points out, we're already covered by 

If anyone feels that the standards of courtesy, tact, respect described there 
are too burdensome for them, now is probably a good time to reconsider whether 
they can continue to participate here.

I remember Dan Ariely reporting research in which some students were asked to sign the MIT honour code before taking a test (in his book "Predictably Irrational" I think). It was found those students cheated less than a control group. But, MIT doesn't *have* an honour code (according to Ariely, at the time)! The hypothesis is that we need reminding about these things to behave better -- and the code itself is not so important.
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