At Thursday 13/10/2005 17:33, you wrote:

I've looked around, but I wasn't able to find anything about this
>issue.  I am writing an application that calls a separate windows
>application as a process.  That's not a problem, I can get it to run and
>do what it needs to do.  However, the normal way to stop the separate
>windows application is to hit CTRL-C.  That allows it to end and do
>finishing processes.  Is there a way to send a CTRL-C signal to a
>process?  I tried simply doing a TerminateProcess on the process, as
>suggested to me earlier, however, this doesn't allow the normal cleanup
>operations to do what they need to do.  Any help you might have would be
>greatly appreciated.


Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL  

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