Hi_release_2 !

>>> Anyway I wonder if this could be found in MSDN documentation or in word
>>> macro itself....just for the next time I am in the same situation...

First, for to find, I have make a word's macro, with :
        reponse = MsgBox(wdFormatText, vbOKOnly, "wdFormatText")

Then, I had make a macro, for to list all constants :

Sub Macro6()
    Dim i&, X As Object, Y As Object, R As Object, mbr As Object
    Set X = CreateObject("TLI.TLIApplication")
    Set Y = X.TypeLibInfoFromFile("C:\Program Files\Microsoft
    For Each R In Y.Constants
        For Each mbr In R.Members
            i = i + 1
            Selection.TypeText Text:=mbr.Name
            Selection.TypeText Text:="="
            Selection.TypeText Text:=mbr.Value
        Next mbr
    Next R
    Set Y = Nothing
    Set X = Nothing
    Set R = Nothing
    Set mbr = Nothing
End Sub

Result : 63 pages, for to list the constants !

But ("TLI.TLIApplication") is installed only by Visual-Studio (I don't
Then...  I had found the good file (tlbinf32.dll) ont a DK site (URL:

And then, I remembered MakePy (in PinWin). MakePy gives all information.
Thanks, M. Hammond.

Good luck !       And sorry for my *bad english*

Michel Claveau
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