Hi all,

currently I'm testing a scipt which converts many (>500) ps files to 
pdf. I use ghostscript and the conversion is done by win32pipe.popen( 
ps2pdf.bat inputfile outputfile). I got the following error message, but 
it seems that all files were correctly converted:

Traceback (most recent call last):
line 301, in Run
    win32api.PostMessage(self.hwnd, MSG_CHECK_EXTERNAL_FILE, 0, 0)
pywintypes.error: (1816, 'PostMessage', 'Nicht gen\xfcgend Quoten 
verf\xfcgbar, um diesen Befehl zu verarbeiten.')
win32ui: Run() virtual handler (<bound method FileWatchingThread.Run of 
<pywin.framework.editor.document.FileWatchingThread instance at 
0x06A45878>>) raised an exception

Is there a way to avoid this error ? (win2k, py2.4.1, pywin205)

thanks in advance
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