On Mon, 14 Nov 2005 16:42:51 +0100, J?rgen Kareta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>currently I'm testing a scipt which converts many (>500) ps files to 
>pdf. I use ghostscript and the conversion is done by win32pipe.popen( 
>ps2pdf.bat inputfile outputfile). I got the following error message, but 
>it seems that all files were correctly converted:
>Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File 
>line 301, in Run
>    win32api.PostMessage(self.hwnd, MSG_CHECK_EXTERNAL_FILE, 0, 0)
>pywintypes.error: (1816, 'PostMessage', 'Nicht gen\xfcgend Quoten 
>verf\xfcgbar, um diesen Befehl zu verarbeiten.')
>win32ui: Run() virtual handler (<bound method FileWatchingThread.Run of 
><pywin.framework.editor.document.FileWatchingThread instance at 
>0x06A45878>>) raised an exception
>Is there a way to avoid this error ? (win2k, py2.4.1, pywin205)

Does it fail if you run it outside of Pythonwin?  Are you sure you're 
closing all of the pipes properly before starting a new one?  Have you 
tried this with the new "subprocess" module?

Error 1816 is an "exceeded quota" sort of error.  You've hit some kind 
of limit, although I'm not sure which one.

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