Mark Hammond wrote:

> I'm not sure what could cause this - accidently assigning to 
> AttributeError
>could possibly cause it, but I can't see any such thing in the code snippet.
>Is that code snippet your *entire* test program?
Yes, the snippet of code was the complete code listing...  however I 
made a few changes to it since my last mail and found that when running 
it (as you suggested) with the command line (and NOT within the IDE that 
I am using - WingIDE) it ran with no errors printed.  After some 
adjustments to the IDE - it now runs and ignores that error inside the IDE.

Still no data from the swipes though.  That is the #2 thing on my 
original list.  I am going to get a full working example in vbscript to 
respond with - but in the mean time, here is my current code - see 
anything wrong in it?  ..or that might prevent it from spewing forth 
some data ...assuming that the swiper is getting data and that my event 
convention is correct (which I believe it is now - thank you)

############# current code - complete [start]
# Necessary modules
from win32com.client import DispatchWithEvents

# Event class for the USB HID Swiper instance below
class SwiperEvents:
    def OnCardDataChanged(self):
        print "CardData: %s" % self.CardData

# create a USB HID Swiper instance with event capabilities
swiper = DispatchWithEvents('ctlUSBHID.USBHID', SwiperEvents)

# Set and test the port to the device
print swiper.PortOpen
swiper.PortOpen = True
print swiper.PortOpen

# Wait for data or user intervention
while 1:
print "Done."
############# current code - complete [end]

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