Mark - you are a godsend - that was it!  Thank you!

My setup looks a bit alien to what you pasted here though (and I may 
have to revisit that at some point soon I fear) but I adapted it and - 
whaddya know?  Whee! It flies!

I also found the InnoSetup stuff for installing the OCX -which flew fine 
as well.  Just tested the install on 2 virginal systems and one that had 
the 'old' OCX installed still as well - all worked like champs.

Now to fill in all the rest of the forms-code and make the reporting and 
uplink features complete!  I just might make my deadline after all.  :)  
Thanks to your timely and expert assistance.

If you happen to see anything wrong on the setup I am using below, or 
could you comment on the method I am using - am I really that far off 
from what you showed?  ..and I CAN remove the `"dll_excludes": 
"dapi.dll,mapi32.dll",` line, right?  py2exe doesn't automagically add 
those, and since I don't include any of those modules - it should not be 
necessary to list it in the excludes.. right?

################ primary snippet of the (the rest is the 
InnoSetup pieces) [start]
class Target:
    def __init__(self, **kw):
        # for the versioninfo resources
        self.version = "0.2.8"
        self.company_name = "BioCEDE"
        self.copyright = "GPL" = "XPay Advantage"

XPayAdv_win = Target(
    # used for the versioninfo resource
    description = "The card present processing application for 'on' and 
'offline' point of sale.",

    # what to build
    script = "",
    other_resources = [(RT_MANIFEST, 1, manifest_template % 
    icon_resources = [(1, "files/icon.ico")],
    dest_base = "XPayAdv")

    options = {"py2exe": {
                          "compressed": 1,
                          "optimize": 2,
                          "excludes": ["win32ui","pywin","pywin.debugger"],
                          "dll_excludes": "dapi.dll,mapi32.dll",
                          "typelibs": [
0, 1, 1),
    zipfile = "lib/",
    name = 'XPayAdv',
    windows = [XPayAdv_win],
    cmdclass = {"py2exe": build_installer},
################ primary snippet of the [end]

Mark Hammond wrote:

> I think you are finding that the "gencache" stuff (ie, stuff that
>automatically calls makepy) won't work quite the same in py2exe.
>The good news is that py2exe does have support for this though!  In your
>, change the py2exe options.  An example from the spambayes project:
>py2exe_options = dict(
>    packages = "spambayes.resources,encodings,spambayes.languages," \
>               ",spambayes.languages.es_AR," \
>               ",," \
>               "spambayes.languages.es_AR.DIALOGS," \
>               "",
>    excludes = "win32ui,pywin,pywin.debugger", # pywin is a package, and
>still seems to be included.
>    includes = "dialogs.resources.dialogs,weakref", # Outlook dynamic
>    dll_excludes = "dapi.dll,mapi32.dll",
>    typelibs = [
>        ('{00062FFF-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}', 0, 9, 0),
>        ('{2DF8D04C-5BFA-101B-BDE5-00AA0044DE52}', 0, 2, 1),
>        ('{AC0714F2-3D04-11D1-AE7D-00A0C90F26F4}', 0, 1, 0),
>    ]
>Change the typelibs to the typelib of your control (and possibly any other
>controls used).  Easiest way to determine this is to delete your
>win32com\gen_py dir, then rerun your app from the command line, then check
>what files were generated in that directory.
>py2exe will then generate these typelibs at build time, and include them in
>the packaged archive.  DispatchWithEvents will then correctly manage to
>import these modules without attempting any generation.

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