Mark Hammond wrote:
> This was due to IIS6 providing "unlimited length style" filenames (eg,
> "\\?\c:\etc")  I've recently fixed that in the source here so will be fixed
> in the next release.  In the mean time, you may want to check your
> sys.path[0] entry - it is likely to also be a path in such a format.  Simply
> ripping the first 4 chars from that path entry should work (and indeed is
> what my patch does).
> The AttributeError should have been fixed in pywin32 build 205 - we now
> catch and ingore that AttributeError, so you may like to upgrade pywin32
> versions...
duh I saw the funny filename in the trace output, but it didn't click.

Anyhow, I guess the main problem will be figuring out what to do about the extra
"Web Services Extension" tab in IIS 6. Strangely I think that filters work 
without extra complication, but an extension needs an extra step ie entering 
enabling in the WSE list.
Robin Becker

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