Title: Input-only vs. In/Out Function Parameters
Just thought I'd bump this to see if I could get a response...
> I am new to COM programming and have a question about function
> parameters when implementing a COM object in Python.
> After reading "Python Programming on Win32", I have managed to create a
> working COM object, where "working" is defined as "I can use it from
> Excel VBA".
> I have a function like this:
> def func(self, in1, inout1, in2, inout2)
> where the in* parameters are input only and inout* are input and output.
> At the end of the function I return an error code and new values for the
> in/out parameters. I.e.:
> return( errorCode, new_inout1, new_inout2 )
> This seems to work fine if it is called from VBA as
>     errorCode = object.func( CONSTANT_1, var1, CONSTANT_2, var2 )
> or
>     errorCode = object.func( 42, var1, 7.4, var2 )
> but it breaks if the VB program does this:
>     c1 = CONSTANT_1  ' c1 is a previously declared variable
>     c2 = 7.4         ' c2 is a previously declared variable
>     errorCode = object.func( c1, var1, c2, var2 )
> because c1 will then be assigned new_inout1 and var1 will be assigned
> new_inout2, while c2 and var2 will not be assigned anything.
> Short of telling the VB programmer "Don't do that", how do I prevent
> this problem?
> Thanks,
> Brian


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