Roger Upole wrote:
> Andrew Kirkpatrick wrote:
>> Hello, I'm having a play with python on windows and installed pywin32 
>> version 210 for python 2.5. There is a nifty example 
>> C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\win32comext\shell\demos\servers\ 
>> that creates a virtual folder under the desktop root in windows 
>> explorer...
> It doesn't support the default Open verb invoked by double-clicking.
> Right click and select Explore, and it will show up as an expandable
> item.  The Scintilla file view that should show up in explorer's right window
> doesn't work at the moment, but I have some uncommitted changes
> that allow it to work on XP.

Roger you're correct, funny thing is the item on the desktop only sports 
options that launch explorer viewing the desktop, then when I right 
click on the same item in that explorer window there is a non-default 
option 'Expand' that triggers the COM server and gives a view of 
sys.path. (This is on XP, BTW) I'll have to read up about this interface 
to explorer and its use in python. Is there a good source of info on this?

Thanks for your help,
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