Andrew Kirkpatrick wrote:
> Roger Upole wrote:
>> Andrew Kirkpatrick wrote:
>>> Hello, I'm having a play with python on windows and installed pywin32 
>>> version 210 for python 2.5. There is a nifty example 
>>> C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\win32comext\shell\demos\servers\ 
>>> that creates a virtual folder under the desktop root in windows 
>>> explorer...
>> It doesn't support the default Open verb invoked by double-clicking.
>> Right click and select Explore, and it will show up as an expandable
>> item.  The Scintilla file view that should show up in explorer's right window
>> doesn't work at the moment, but I have some uncommitted changes
>> that allow it to work on XP.
> Roger you're correct, funny thing is the item on the desktop only sports 
> options that launch explorer viewing the desktop, then when I right 
> click on the same item in that explorer window there is a non-default 
> option 'Expand' that triggers the COM server and gives a view of 
> sys.path. (This is on XP, BTW) I'll have to read up about this interface 
> to explorer and its use in python. Is there a good source of info on this?
> Thanks for your help,
> Andy

The MSDN docs for shell namespace extensions are your best bet.
Also, check MSDN for the interfaces used in, such as

The pythoncom documentation for how you implement these
interfaces in a server class is somewhat lacking, however.
Most of the docs are focused on the client interfaces.


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