On Thu, Feb 14, 2008 at 10:55 PM, Mark Hammond
> MSDN documents that  " For performance reasons, multiple notifications may
>  be combined into a single notification. For example, if a large number of
>  SHCNE_UPDATEITEM notifications are generated for files in the same folder,
>  they can be joined into a single SHCNE_UPDATEDIR notification."
>  which I suspect is your problem.  I work on an app that makes heavy use of
>  SHChangeNotify and handling the notifications and I've not had any problems
>  (other than some machines failing to SHChangeNotifyRegister, for reasons
>  that escape me)

Thanks for the tip.

I just found out I was passing SHCNF_FLUSHNOWAIT flag to the calls. By
changing the flag to SHCNF_FLUSH, the icons are refreshed correctly
(at least most of the time). Though the delay on refreshing is
noticeable from one icon to the other. But that's not intolerable for

BTW, is there any ill effect in the use of SHCNF_FLUSH? I don't
understand the reason why SHCNF_FLUSHNOWAIT would not work though.

I will experiment with SHCNE_UPDATEDIR to see if it help on this.
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