Greetings ...

 Thanks again for the quick response ...
>  Clinton Lee Taylor wrote:
>  > I think I get this because com objects have to be "imported" ... But
>  > this ActiveX object does not seem to have a "type lib"? ...
>  It appears the type info is embedded in the dll itself, rather than
>  shipped as a separate .tlb.

>  I get the same error after generating the wrapper from the type info.
>  Try clearing your \win32com\genpy folder, and run it without the
>  EnsureDispatch.  There may be something wrong with the type
>  info, but it would take a lot of digging to find out exactly what.
 Okay, the little library is LGPL and the source is about, would we be
able to get the details from the header files or something else?

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